2018年英語四級萬能作文模板 2018年英語四級啊考試時間

2018-04-23 13:44:36來源:四海生活百科

  When faced with the decision of A or B, quite a few would claim that A, but others, in contrast, would deem B as the premier choice and that is also my point. This quite different view is based on the propensity of following points.

  We may look into every possible reason, but foremost reason for B is ____________________. For example, ______________. Also, ________________________.

  It is arbitrary to judge B according only to the excuse I mentioned in the above paragraph. Similarly, these reasons are also usable when we consider that________________.

  Taking into account all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that _____________.


2017年12月英語四級答案解析新鮮出爐 你敢看嗎?

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2017下半年英語四級答案匯總 2017英語四級答案解析

2017下半年英語四級答案匯總 2017英語四級答案解析今天上午四級英語考試已經(jīng)完結(jié),很多考生現(xiàn)在最關(guān)心的問題就是四級英語答案是不是已經(jīng)新鮮出爐了呢?下面小編為大家匯總一下2017英語四級答案,可以參考一下!

* 聲明:本文由四海網(wǎng)特約會員sh123原創(chuàng)/整理/投稿,生活百科欄目刊載此文僅為傳遞更多信息之目的,內(nèi)容僅供娛樂參考。部分文圖內(nèi)容可能未經(jīng)嚴格審查,歡迎批評指正。